Going the Distance
Video Work in Migratory Aesthetics by Mieke Bal
5 December 2008 - 12 February 2009, Tampere Art Museum, Tampere Finland
also 12 - 21 December 2008, The Fibonacci Centre, Fremantle, Australia
This three-part exhibition is my first solo exhibition, and the venue, the city museum of Art in Tampere, is a brilliant site for it. I was offered the entire first floor of the museum. During the same time period, a somewhat smaller version of this exhibition was displayed in Western Australia. The exhibition proposes a close look at migratory culture. Through a multitude of stories, the works facilitate an intimate connection between long-term residents of the wealthier countries and new arrivals looking for a better, safer, livable future. The works address the enriching quality of the resulting migratory culture.