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Light Exhibition


Art out of Necessity / Kunst uit Noodzaak

October 3 2020 - January 31, 2021
Museum Jan Cunen, Oss (The Netherlands)

A few days after the opening weekend (October 2-3) all museums in the Netherlands were closed for two weeks. Then they were open again, and when many people got ready to go, it closed again, Mid-December - just before the holidays.

This podcast, an interview with Mario Veen, as part of his series Plato’s Cave. It gives a lot of information about the exhibition and its relations to my other work:


Upon entering, in the cafetaria a display case showed photos made by Amir Avraham, who designed the accompanying book marvellously.



The book can still be acquired. The title, Kunst uit Noodzaak is the same as that of the show. It is in Dutch, but the design alone makes it worth its (modest) price.

In the first gallery, where a reduced version of Madame B, titled Precarity, was displayed, we also showed some of Emma’s dresses and jewelry, since her “emotional capitalism” has become central in this work.

The installation of A Long History of Madness was combined with a painting, Das Tier, by the Dutch artist Armando.

To entice you, in case you know of other possible venues, I will post some photos made during the opening by Almicheal Fraay.

A recommendation by the artist Nalini Malani:

And a 5-minute video tour by Lena Verhoeff:

This is a 20-minutes version of the video tour made by Lena Verhoeff - due to the sudden lockdown, she could not get more footage. 

All contents © 2023 Mieke Bal

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